Thursday 7 January 2016

Creativity without focus could be harmful for your business

Having trouble focusing?

It’s a common problem among highly creative entrepreneurs and it’s even worse when they’re all gathered together and feeding off each other’s energy.

Now imagine a room full of hyper-creative product designers, development engineers, marketing geeks, and skilled programmers that spend their “off time” studying new coding techniques “just for fun”.

Oh yeah, did I mention that they’re all working on the same software product where “anything is possible”?

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Tim Cook did move Apple in the correct direction

I know I’m bucking the trend and risking immediate dismissal by questioning the legendary results of one of the most iconic business leaders of our time... but bare with me long enough to read through to the end before deciding if I’m in need of an immediate mind & body cleanse from a 100% carrot diet.  
October 2011, Steve Jobs unfortunately passed away and just a few days later Gizmodo ran an article declaring, “This Is Why the iPhone's Screen Will Always Be 3.5 Inches”. Read More